Note The button is greyed out unless you have a GPS device plugged in or are playing back a GPS log file You can also change your GPS view in the Op When the button appears indented, NavMode is on.

To turn NavMode on or off, click the NavMode button on the toolbar. By default, the tabs and Control Panel are visible, but you can opt to hide them. Getting Started The GPS tab view option allows you to use the GPS tab to control navigating and tracking. For information about migrating data to XMap 6, see Migrating Data to the New DeLorme Docs Location. If you stored it in a different location, you can use the Map Data tab to browse to the location and add it. If you stored your data in the DeLorme Docs Downloads folder, it will automatically migrate to the new location. The location of the Downloads folder changed in XMap 6. Can I see imagery and data from Topo USA or Street Atlas USA within XMap? Yes.To retrieve the layers, click the GIS tab, click the Workspace subtab (if it is not currently selected), click the Layers button, and then click Manage. Why doesn't my Workspace display any layers? If there are no layers in your Workspace, you may have accidentally removed them.Getting Started Note MSDE 2000 installs to your computer with XMap 4.5 and SQL Server 2005 Express installs to your computer with XMap 5 and above if MSDE 2000 is not already present. The route is added to the current project. Browse to the file you want, select it, and then click Add. Select the project you want to view and then click Open. If you added the data to only the current project and you want to view it in all Why doesn't map data display in all projects? The procedure for adding data to XMap varies it depends on if you want to add the data to the current project or if you want to add it to all projects.Support for opening DeLorme Topo USA and Street Atlas projects easily migrate your old projects to XMap Frequently Asked Questions These questions are asked most frequently by our customers.Faster data cutting for Earthmate GPS PN-Series GPS devices What's New in XMap.Shapefile support for XMap 6 Professional-import shapefiles into the GIS tab and apply symbolization Note This is already available in XMap GIS Enterprise and XMap GIS Editor.Updated and enhanced ArcSDE 9.3 support improves the ability to import and deploy GIS databases to the field-synchronize large GIS layers for the field in record time!.XMap User Guide What's New in XMap 6 What's New in XMap 6.2 Import or create GIS layers, link attribute data, classify and adjust how the data displays, build queries, and.The following features and more are available in XMap. Visit to view tutorials, search the forums, and more. Additional information is available in the Technical Support section of our website.Double-click a book in the Table of Contents to view all of its associated topics.Table of Contents Using UMPC and Small-screen Devices. 323 Displaying and Centering Routes on the Map. 321 Labeling a Route Point with a MapNote. 265 Waypoints, Symbols, MapNotes, Text Labels, and Images. 252 Routable Roads, Trails, Tracks, Lines, Arcs, and Splines.259 Circles, Rectangles, and Polygons.

XMap User Guide Checking Layers Out and In.190 Printing. Table of Contents Changing How POIs Display on the Map.46 Setting Units of Measure Preferences. Note: Some content from the Help system is not available in the print version. When you are using XMap, use the Help system to take advantage of links to related Help topics and tutorials. XMap 6 User Guide Updated for XMap 6.2 This user guide is a printable version of the XMap Help system.